Tuesday 9 June 2015

EXCLUSIVE: We are supporting the Refugee Week Celebrations 15-21 June AfroAsia Week

We are pleased to support refugee week in celebrating the contributions of refugees to the UK.

Refugee Week is a UK-wide programme of arts, cultural and educational events and activities that celebrates the contribution of refugees to the UK and promotes better understanding of why people seek sanctuary. Anyone can take part by organising, attending or taking part in activities.

Activities could be as simple as a tweet

Thats an easy one, so we hope you will support Refugee Week by retweeting and tweeting all week, follow on our twitter handle @afroasiaweek or theirs @refugeeweek

For example, you can tweet

"@refugeeweek @afroasiaweek #NotJustAMinority Proud to support Refugees in Great Britain 15-21 June"

Find out about more activities in your area here or Carry out a simple task and share it here via The Simple Acts campaign is promoted and advanced by the Refugee Week partnership.

You can also participate in our activities later on August 14th and 15th which will go a long way toward uniting people from all backgrounds. 

Nominate members of the community who are either from or have origins that go back to Africa and Asia for our awards

Attend the event, there are free tickets available.

You can join the student fashion entrants at the Fashion runway or showcase as an established designer

Signpost and showcase, sell and demonstrate, share samples of your goods and services

Enter the heritage pageant for young women


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